Contact Us

Contribute to our global work

Are you interested in contributing to Open Food Network? Follow the instructions over here!

Are you interested in starting a local Open Food Network instance? Follow the instructions over here!

Start using the platform, or get support

Are you keen to start using the software? To use the Open Food Network platform it needs to be available in your area. Check here to see if it is.

Are you using the Open Food Network platform as a shopper or to sell food and need some help with the platform? You’ll need to contact your country’s customer support. Click through to your country and get in touch locally.

Research requests

Are you undertaking research and would like to interview someone from Open Food Network? Please join the #research channel on our slack and make the request there. We’re excited that we receive so much interest from researchers, but it can be quite overwhelming for our small community. As a result, as a condition of undertaking interviews we ask that you open source your data so that we can share it with new researchers (and not repeat the same answers again!)  

Keep up to date on our organisation’s news

Use the form below to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter. We’ll let you know what’s happening across our 20+ local instances, and what we as a global organisation have been working on.


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Get in touch

If you would like to get in touch with the global Open Food Network organisation, please use the form below.

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