Open Food Network
European Initiative

Check the national networks of producers by clicking on the country name:
Belgium – France – Germany – Greece Ireland – Italy – SpainSwitzerland Turkey – UK

The European Initiative of Open Food Network emerged during the summer months of 2021, in an effort to enhance coordination between European instances of our Network, as well as collaboration upon subject projects directly or indirectly relevant to the mission and vision of Open Food Network.

Serving the concentric organizational structure of the Open Food Network,
the European Initiative aims to become a regional branch of the Global Open Food Network in the European region.

The European Initiative of the Open Food Network
is responsible for carrying out the following processes 

Facilitate the launching of new instances in
European region.

Evolve to become a
regional branch of Open Food Network.

 Act as a Knowledge Sharing Hub
informing the global structure.

Become a prototype of a
Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Participate in Innovation & Advocacy Projects
with academia/research & EU institutions, as a unified body.

Delegate Work Packages to the active task forces of the European Initiative.

Enhance interoperability & coordination between local instances under the Governance of Commons.

Achieve economies of scale & scalability
with our shared funding activities for our internal & external stakeholders.

Orchestrate Workflows & collective efforts in :
Finance & Funding
Technology & Innovation
Communication & Networking
Operations & SOPs.

Support the Global network with administrative and bureaucratic processes. 

Discuss and develop more effective monetary & wider transactions associated to European Instances.

The instances that participate in the core task force of the European Initiative:

Jo da Silva

Jo da Silva


Jo has been a member of the OFN UK team since April 2020, when the first Covid lockdown increased OFN UK sales by 800% and she joined as a volunteer.
As part of the UK instance, she helps new enterprises set up on the platform and is leading the Resilient Green Spaces project; a £1.27m partnership project piloting alternative and re-localised food systems in Wales.
Jo lives on the south coast of England with her partner and two children.

Batuhan Durak

Batuhan Durak

OFN Turkey

Batuhan met with Open Food Network in November ’19 and launched the project in Turkey in July ’20. Since then, he has been working to build a resilient local community and a sustainable enterprise where OFN Turkey is the very first software project for CSA groups in the country. Apart from OFN, Batuhan is active in local food scene, volunteering in the projects gathering around food sovereignty.

Stefano Caffari

Stefano Caffari

OFN Italy

Strategy, community development and communication at OFN Italy
Mikel Cordovilla Mesonero

Mikel Cordovilla Mesonero

OFN Switzerland

Working on alternative food supply chains from a technical expertise and a community focus. Mikel has being active in multiple Community Supported Agriculture projects linking communities with technology. He is currently involved at : OpenOlitor ; Sunu

Samuel Feller

Samuel Feller

OFN France

Samuel is a sociologist working for international organizations and French public institutions. He has been a member of Open Food France since 2019. His work within the association consists of developing knowledge on short food supply chains and sharing as widely as possible the best practices to accelerate their development.

Filipa Ferraz

Filipa Ferraz

OFN Ireland

Filipa is a member of the Global Coordination and Fundraising Circles, as well as supporting the coordination of collaborative work between the European OFN instances.

Hendirk Homann

Hendirk Homann

Country Manager Germany

Hendirk is part of the team that takes care about the German instance since 2019.
Francisco Martinez

Francisco Martinez

Organic agronomist, Spanish, studied organic agriculture in Spain and the United States. Expert in rural development both regionally and internationally.
I am a specialist in food security and child nutrition in developing countries, with experience in Fairtrade, rural economic and agricultural development projects and microcredit management/development with women’s groups and small producers. In Europe I work in social farming and social innovation to develop local food chain.



Business Development

Petros has been a member of the wider OFN community since 2020.
He also participates in the European Initiative task force as a business dev. & ops. generalist.

The instances that participate in the core task for of the European initiative

Open Food Network Italy logo
Open Food Network Scandinavia Logo
Open Food Network Katuma Logo
Open Food Network Deutschland logo

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